Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Yoga Research I made in India

I arranged to visit the established yoga educational and health research institutions in India dealing with a variety of problems experienced by the disabled, and I also visited various special education institutes for disabled people. In addition I was privileged to meet some of the greatest yoga masters and teachers, special educationalists, medical professionals and some remarkable disabled people in ashrams, special schools, homes, hospitals and yoga research institutions.
My investigation in seven states of India resulted in a 50,000 word report and 12-hours video footage of yoga for children with special needs and other disabled people. Just a few examples of this material are: a success story with a spina bifida young child; yoga as a valuable therapy for psychiatric disorders; daily yoga programme in an Ageing Home for the Blind; pilot teaching programmes in an aurally impaired children's school and in a leprosy hospital for women and children; and inclusion of yoga therapy into the Special Education curriculum for training special educators and parents to teach yoga to children with severe learning difficulties.  (These articles will follow in later blogs under Yoga Therapy.)
My first article 'Research in India' covers the initial yoga programmes for teaching children with severe learning difficulties which can be found here.

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